Today, most organisations using Open Data are focused on data processing and analysis. Services provided are for instance the transformation of raw data into actionable insights. However, regarding the reuse of Open Data, there is a lot of work to be done to exploit its full potential.
This example is based on datasets from Open Data Barcelona.
RDF Data Cube W3C
The RDF Data Cube vocabulary is a W3C recommendation for the publication of multi-dimensional data on the web, such as statistics. In particular, it defines the dimensions, attributes and measures used in the dataset and it builds upon existing RDF vocabularies (for example SKOS, SCOVO, Dublin Core, FOAF, etc.).
CubeViz is utilizing the RDF Data Cube vocabulary which is the state-of-the-art in representing statistical data in Resource Description Framework (RDF). This vocabulary is compatible with SDMX and increasingly being adopted. Based on the vocabulary and the encoded Data Cube, CubeViz is generating a faceted browsing widget that can be used to filter interactively observations to be visualized in charts. Based on the selected structure, CubeViz offer beneficiary chart types and options which can be selected by users.
This is an example of how to publish data data which could help re-users to understand how the city’s open datasets could be used in a meaningful way. The example is based on a multidimensional dataset.